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First and Second /
Prvo i drugo

Daniil Harms, Tomislav Torjanac (illustrator & translator)
Petrine knjige (HR) 2023.

EN In 2022 my editor suggested to me that I choose a text that I would turn into a picture book and illustrate for Petrine knjige, the publisher who at that time published new editions of two long-sold-out picture books I illustrated: The Cat and Devil and The Little Girl and Giant.   HR Godine 2022. moj mi je urednik predložio neka odaberem tekst koji bih pretočio u slikovnicu i ilustrirao za Petrine knjige, nakladnika koji je u to vrijeme objavio nova izdanja dviju godinama rasprodanih slikovnica s mojim ilustracijama: Mačak i vrag i Djevojčica i div.

First and Second, front and back cover   Prvo i drugo, naslovnica i zaslovnica

Without too much thinking, my answer was the children’s story First and Second by the Russian writer Daniil Kharms (1905-1942). Apart from the fact that reading Kharms has been a “vice” for me since my early university days, I have been saddened for just as long by the fate that befell him during his too short life.
  Bez previše razmišljanja, moj odgovor bila je priča za djecu Prvo i drugo ruskog pisca Daniila Harmsa (1905. – 1942.). Naime, osim što mi je čitanje Harmsa “porok” još od ranih fakultetskih dana, jednako dugo rastužuje me okrutna sudbina koja ga je snašla za njegova prekratkog života.

First and Second, pages 2-3   Prvo i drugo, stranice 2-3

At the time I mentioned First and Second to the editor, the world found itself – and still finds itself in 2023 – in an unnatural situation that causes a natural reaction in most people in the form of fear or at least considerable discomfort. Although I believe that publishing Harms – regardless of whether it is his texts for children or adults – does not require a special reason, I interpreted all of the above as a clear sign that it should be done right now.
  U vrijeme kad sam uredniku spomenuo Prvo i drugo, svijet se našao – i još se nalazi 2023. godine – u neprirodnoj situaciji koja kod većine izaziva prirodni odgovor u obliku straha ili barem poprilične nelagode. Premda držim da za objavljivanje Harmsa – bez obzira na to je li riječ o njegovim tekstovima za djecu ili odrasle – nije potreban poseban razlog, sve navedeno protumačio sam kao jasan znak da bi to trebalo učiniti upravo sad.

First and Second, pages 6-7   Prvo i drugo, stranice 6-7

The story of First and Second is a zany Kharmsian puzzle whose clear message is that common success always rests on mutual differences, not on uniformity. I tried to convey that in my illustrations, giving all the characters life and tangible character and introducing humorous elements that build on Kharms’. All the illustrations were created using the combined technique of oil painting on wood panels and digital media.
  Priča Prvo i drugo šašava je harmsovska zavrzlama čija je jasna poruka da zajednički uspjeh uvijek počiva na međusobnoj različitosti, a ne na šablonskoj sličnosti. Trudio sam se prenijeti to u svoje ilustracije, dajući svim likovima životnost i opipljiv karakter te uvodeći humoristične elemente koji se nadovezuju na Harmsove. Sve ilustracije nastale su kombiniranom tehnikom slikanja uljem na drvu i digitalnog medija.

First and Second, pages 16-17   Prvo i drugo, stranice 16-17

The picture books I illustrate I also design, but for First and Second I also did the Croatian translation of Kharms’ original Russian text. I have no formal education when it comes to Russian (admittedly, I don’t have it when it comes to illustrating either). I more or less understand Russian thanks to my mother, who – although she was of Czech origin – studied Russian at school and somewhat reluctantly passed on the basics of both “not-so-popular” languages to her curious son.
  Slikovnice koje ilustriram u pravilu i grafički oblikujem te pripremam za tisak, ali za Prvo i drugo potpisujem i prijevod Harmsova izvornog ruskog teksta. Nemam službenu naobrazbu kad je riječ o ruskom (doduše, nemam je niti kad je riječ o ilustriranju). Ruski više-manje razumijem zahvaljujući majci, koja je – premda je bila češkog prodrijetla – u školi učila ruski i na znatiželjnog sina pomalo nerado prenijela osnove oba “ne-baš-popularna” jezika.